
On the way to
a sustainable future

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The Energy & Recycling industry plays a leading role in the energy transition and circularity. For example, we are constantly looking for new ways to reuse existing materials and are investing heavily in alternative forms of energy such as the use of hydrogen and the electrification of our mobility network.

Innovation is the pillar for Energy & Recycling

In this day and age of climate change and continuously increasing consumption, we all understand the pressing need for a transition. Raw materials are becoming scarcer and the global energy demand grows ceaselessly. The Energy & Recycling industry is one of the pioneers of and driving forces of a more sustainable world.

Space to innovate

Oil and chemicals are indispensable in today's society. Raw materials and semi-finished products are processed to produce end products that are part of our daily lives - from medicines to paint, from computers to insulation materials. The Energy & Recycling industry is highly capital-intensive, technologically complex, and has generally a prominent role in discussions about sustainability and the environment. Moreover, it is a globally operating industry, which automatically involves strong, international dynamics for employees, suppliers, and customers.

Are you looking for the right person for a vacant position in your company? Or are you looking for a challenging position in the Energy & Recycling sector?

Hoofdstraat 252, 3972 LK Driebergen-Rijsenburg
+31 (0)343 44 48 68 | contact@lodiersenpartners.nl

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